As you might already have noticed, Spain and Catalonia rarely appear in Anglo-Saxon newspapers. And, sometimes,when this happens, it provokes an uproar in our media. Last year, The New York Times published a very controversial article on the Spnish crisis. Many people complained about the apocalyptic coverage and the gloomy vision of our country depicted by the dramatic black and white photographs. Some journalists compared these with the image of misery offered in Luis Buñuel's Viridiana, a dark portrait of Spain in the fifties.
Read can read this New York Times article here
Now it is Catalonia's turn. It seems the business of Independence leaves nobody indifferent and many foreign journalists have shown their interest in this matter. For example, Stephen Burgen, The Guardian corresondent in Barcelona who visited our school last year, covered the 11 September rally for his newspaper. Here you will find an article and videos produced by BBC, covering the latest Diada.
Read the article and watch the videos
Last week, however, The New YorkTimes published an article in which some important Catalan businessmen expressed their concern about what is increasingly being perceived as a major conflict.
Read this article
Now, how do you feel about the way "the others" see "us"? How accurate do you think is the portrait of our country given by some foreign media? Does this happen in the national press?